A friend asked about this and I thought I would post my reply to her in case others were wondering!
A typical day eating for me is something like this:
Breakfast-N/S entree (granola, scone, pancakes, etc), yogurt and a banana
Lunch-steamed cabbage (this is allowed in unlimited amounts), salad with a hard boiled egg with fat free dressing and a N/S entree
Snack around 3 of a piece of fruit and a piece of cheese
Dinner is more cabbage and a salad minus this egg but with an additional veggie, such as a cucumber and a N/S entree.
Desert is a N/S desert (chips, chocolate, etc)
I REALLY like the food. Of course some things are better than others, but that will always be the case. If you decide you want to try it let me know and I will send you a referral and I think we both get a discount!
A minimum of 30 minutes of cardio. Saturday I did an hour, yesterday only about 20 minutes. I actually now feel guilty if I do not do enough!
10 years ago