Friday, June 26, 2009

16 pounds!

I am down 16 pounds. SIXTEEN POUNDS. Unreal. I am so excited and so proud of myself. Its hard and easy at all the same time! And what I realized the other day is that its been WEEKS since I have had salt, as its not allowed on NutriSystem. Which is obviously a good thing. Its weird its not bothered me since I love(d) salt.

The workouts are killing my arms, literally. I am on the elliptical or treadmill and hold.on on for dear life since I am going WAY uphill and my arms are in a bad way. Oh well, I am down SIXTEEN POUNDS!!


  1. you are awesome lis! great job! you will be at your goal before you know it.

  2. YEAHHHHHH! That's SO awesome, Lis!!! WTG! : )
