A friend asked about this and I thought I would post my reply to her in case others were wondering!
A typical day eating for me is something like this:
Breakfast-N/S entree (granola, scone, pancakes, etc), yogurt and a banana
Lunch-steamed cabbage (this is allowed in unlimited amounts), salad with a hard boiled egg with fat free dressing and a N/S entree
Snack around 3 of a piece of fruit and a piece of cheese
Dinner is more cabbage and a salad minus this egg but with an additional veggie, such as a cucumber and a N/S entree.
Desert is a N/S desert (chips, chocolate, etc)
I REALLY like the food. Of course some things are better than others, but that will always be the case. If you decide you want to try it let me know and I will send you a referral and I think we both get a discount!
A minimum of 30 minutes of cardio. Saturday I did an hour, yesterday only about 20 minutes. I actually now feel guilty if I do not do enough!
10 years ago
Margaret Atwood wins 2016 Pen Pinter Prize Margaret Atwood has won this year's Pen Pinter Prize, which celebrates champions of free speech.The Canadian novelist and poet is well known for her environmental campaigning.Judges praised Atwood's political activism, and described her as an replica handbags "exemplary public intellectual".Atwood will formally receive the award at the British Library on 13 October, where she will also deliver an address.The judges said she was a "consistent supporter of political causes", adding: "Her work championing environmental concerns ray ban replica comes well within the scope of human rights… she is a very important figure in terms of the principles of Pen and of Harold Pinter."Atwood said she was "humbled" to be the recipient of this year's prize."I knew Harold Pinter and cartier replica handbags workedwith him - he wrote the scenario for the film version of The Handmaid's Tale, back in 1989 - and his burning sense of injustice at human rights abuses and therepression of artists was impressive even then," she said."Any winner of such an award is a stand-in for the replica christian louboutin thousands of people around the world who speak and act against such abuses. I am honoured to be this year's stand-in."Antonia Fraser, Harold Pinter's widow, said: "Harold admired Margaret Atwood in three ways, as a writer, a campaigner and a person. He would be especially delighted by her generous response to this award."