Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back on it!

(Not what I WANT to be on, but this is not that kind of blog, teehee)

As of this am I am 1 pound from where i was before my weekend of debauchery.

So I mentioned before about the frozen food, right? You would think I would love it, but I actually prefer most of the stable food more. Although the frozen Asian Beef with rice and veggies was YUMMY!

A word of warning to anyone thinking of doing this. You will get gassy. Seriously. Like any minute I expect the EPA to come in and issue me a citation. Thank goodness I have my own office. But still, random eruptions where my chair bounces, not so fun.


  1. Glad to hear you're back on the wagon! I too fell off in a big way the past few days, so today is a great day to re-focus and get back to basics. Make sure to drink lots of water today, it will help.

  2. its like being pg all over again minus a few things, like, the baby...

    glad you're back on!

  3. I always knew you were a champion farter.

  4. Sounds like you're doing good! I'm a champion farter even with regular food.

