Monday, May 18, 2009

The State Mental Facility

It could have gone either way, Day 1 of the diet. Either it was going to be OK or I was going to end up in the nuthouse. I am happy (for me, maybe not for y'all!) to say I am in fact in MY house, and not trying to eat the baseboards or bark off my trees.

You actually get to eat a surprising amount of food on this plan. Its just not cake, chips, know, the good stuff.

Breakfast was a piece of cheese, banana and a NS(Nutra System) chocolate scone.

Lunch was NS Red Beans and Rice. Now I do not like this under normal circumstances, but thought I would give it a try. Turns out I really do not like it under ANY circumstances. I also had 2 ounces of chicken I cooked in garlic (watch out asshole vampires!) and cabbage.

My afternoon snack was another small amount of chicken and some grapes.

Dinner was awesome. I had NS Rotini and meatballs. This shit is AWESOME. It tastes JUST like Chef Boyardee. YUMMY! I also had a salad (spring mix, 2 small carrots, some cucumber and some bell pepper) with low-fat Italian dressing. I also had some more cabbage.

Desert will be shortly and I plan to have a biscotti.

As far as exercise I walked one mile to the gym, did 13 minutes of the elipitcal, 9 on the bike, then walked an hour home. I also walked an additional mile after lunch.

I have cooked more foods for the days to come.

I am hoping that I have lost at least 10 pounds by tomorrow. Because my plan is to have lost all 40 pounds by Friday.


  1. I'm pleased to hear that the baseboards are still in place and no trees have been harmed in the process of this diet.

    Those asshole vampires will get you every time.

  2. chef boyardee is good? i guess i'm not far enough removed from college to be able to comprehend this.

    i'm glad you have set some achievable goals. 40 lbs by friday is totally doable.

    great job on the exercise and diet!

  3. Thanks Heather. I think its totally realistic as well. :-)

  4. GREAT start!!! Keep it up Girlie!! : )

  5. Sounds like you have the determination to do this Lis. I'll keep reading. :o)

  6. Let me know if that 40lbs comes off, cause then I'll pay heavily to go on the Lis diet.
